

Building a Better Future for the Asmen Family

August 2, 2022

Fundraising Campaign Goal

By donating today you can help us with our mission to provide safety and stability for the Asmen Family. Our mission is to build a home for this father and six children in rural Jocotán. You can help us provide them with a healthier life and a brighter future.

The Story

OSO has been developing a piece of property in rural Jocotán, Guatemala and building modern building complexes to house a non-profit medical centre and dental clinic, as well as an elementary/high school/adult schoolhouse. These facilities will help to complement the deficiencies and support the existing Guatemalan infrastructure.

Leonidas Asmen takes care of the OSO property by providing day-to-day maintenance, 24/7 security, and completing light construction/building projects. Leonidas and his six children currently live nearby inside of a used shipping container that was outfitted to be a shelter but had very limited facilities.

OSO recently moved the Asmen Family into one of the new buildings on the OSO development site to temporarily house them in a more secure, healthy and safe environment.

Our goal is to build them a more suitable home on the OSO property that will have water and the necessary facilities for a family to live comfortably. Leonidas will continue to help OSO maintain the property and building complexes, while his children will continue attending school and helping out their father with the day to day family chores. You can help us provide them with a healthier life and a brighter future. Donate today!

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